

DAY 3 [WEEK 4]: 10.08.08

"I am not a paper cup..."
Kristin, a fellow classmate with her own PSP, sent in a link to this:

Photo retrieved from www.dcigift.com


Anonymous said...

I was given one of these as a gift and I love it! I can bring it in if you want... it actually kinda feels like a paper cup.

UWG said...

i just got one too!

coffee crusader said...

That's cool! Alaa and Parker have it too. :-)
It's a fun design idea...a reusable "paper" cup.
Thanks for the comments.

JP said...

I like this cup! Found a link for you to check out
Eco cups, lids and stir sticks for businesses, coffee shops etc. I don't know what the price comparison is but cant be that much more? Can I join the crusade?